County Focus

Isiolo County develops County Nutrition Action Plan

The County Government of Isiolo in partnership with several development partners launched the Isiolo County Nutrition Action Plan (ICNAP) for five years 2019-2023.

The launch was attended by Isiolo County Assembly Speaker Hussein Roba, CEC Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Dr. Lawrence Mwongela, County Secretary Dr. Ahmed Galgalo, MCAS, National Government representatives and other senior officials of the County Government of Isiolo.

Dr. Galgalo appreciated all development partners who have supported the County Government in developing the County’s Nutrition Action Plan (CNAP). He however noted that poverty levels in the County were still high at 72 percent, challenging both development partners and County Government officials to create programs that can sustainably address this. He noted that most families can be food secure if all stakeholders took advantage of Ewaso Ngiro River and the two rain seasons experienced in the County.

“We need to rethink how we create programs to address food security issues and malnutrition. I remember very well that several years ago we had the Malkadaka irrigation scheme where we used to plant maize, tomatoes and beans for domestic use and cotton for export,” said Dr. Galgalo. He added that the implementation of ICNAP and its subsequent review will be pivotal as it will inform future efforts in implementation of sustainable nutrition activities.

Isiolo County Nutritional Action Plan (ICNAP)  defines roles of the County Government with respect to the provision of technical support, advocacy, guidance and development of capacity for nutrition in the County. It also gives guidance in the implementation of nutrition activities in the County. Financial support for the development of the ICNAP was provided by DFID-UK, Catholic Relief Services and World Food Programme.

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